How to use TEMPest


The ***** we doing:

  • tempest init: initialize TEMPest
  • cat ~/.tempestcf: check if it was created
  • cat ~/.tempest.yaml: check if the config file was created with default values

:point_right: Now that you have that, we can enjoy TEMPest !

Configure TEMPest

Set up configuration:

:wrench: Configuration with TEMPest is done with the set command.

tempest set <FLAG> <VALUE>

Access configuration:

:wrench: Access to configuration is done with the get command.

tempest get <FLAG>

Possible flags:

Long Flag Short Flag Description
--help -h [NO_ARGS] See the help section for the command.
--age -a Set the age of the targets. age = 3 means that if a file haven’t been modified for 3 days, it will be deleted.
--daemon-mode -d true if you want it to run as daemon, false otherwise.

:warning: Subject to changes

List targets

To list targets with TEMPest

tempest list
  • Index: The number the targets can be identified with
    :warning: This number might change after each modification !
  • Target/Path: The target represents the path to a directory or file to be handled by TEMPest


Long Flag Short Flag Description
--help -h [NO_ARGS] See the help section for the command.
--fix -f [NO_ARGS] Removes broken targets from TEMPest (for example, targets that point to non-existing paths.

Add targets

In this section, we’ll see how to add a target to TEMPest, shall we begin? :smile_cat:

The ***** we doing:

  • tempest list: Listing available targets (checking if there are any already set).
  • tempest add /tmp: Add /tmp as a target for TEMPest.
  • tempest add ~/Documents/temp/ ~/Downloads/temp: Add those two as targets, so we can add as many as we want in one command, ending by a / or not.
  • tempest add: Add the current directory as a target for TEMPest.

#Note: You cannot add multiple times the same target, or a target that doesnt exist.

:point_right: Use tempest add --auto to look for all the temp.est directories and register them as targets.

New targets

This section shows of to create easily new targets.

The ***** we doing:

  • tempest rm *: clean the existing targets list.
  • tempest list: check the current target list.
  • tempest new --target --autoGen /tmp: create a new directory in /tmp called temp.est using the full name of flag and register it as a new target for TEMPest.
  • tempest new -t /tmp/test-tempest: create a new directory in /tmp/test-tempest using the short name for the flag --target and register it as a new target for TEMPest.

List of flags

Long Flag Short Flag Description
--autoGen -a [To be used with other flags] Combine this flag with --target <path>... in order to generate a default name for the target
--target -t [String]<paths>… Create the directory and registers the fresh created directory as a target in TEMPest your computer.

Remove targets

List of flags

Long Flag Short Flag Description
--help -h [NO_ARGS] See the help section for the command.
--origin -o [NO_ARGS] To be used with -p or -i, indicates to TEMPest to remove it from your computer.


Example command Description
tempest rm remove the current directory from the target list
tempest rm 0 remove the target with index 0 from the target list
tempest rm 1-3 remove the targets with the index 1, 2 and 3
tempest rm * remove all the targets
tempest rm /tmp remove the target for the path: /tmp
tempest rm 1-3 -o remove the targets for the matching directories to the indexes 1, 2 and 3
tempest rm 1-3 --origin same effect of using -o

:warning: When using --origin or -o flag, the original files and directories will be removed from your system, so be careful.
:warning: After the use of rm, Indexes numbers might change. Keep an eye on this. :eyes:

Start TEMPest

:bar_chart: Test mode

tempest start -t or tempest start --test

This mode doesn’t delete stuff from the device. It shows you what would get deleted instead.

:toilet: For real

tempest start


List of flags

Long Flag Short Flag Description
--help -h [NO_ARGS] See the help section for the command.
--test -t [NO_ARGS] Run TEMPest in test mode.

#Note: The size is given by the OS.

Get help from TEMPest

  • tempest
  • tempest help
  • tempest get help
  • tempest doc works best with Showdown