Install TEMPest


Let’s begin

So now you should have golang installed, you have access to GOPATH. If you haven’t set up GOBIN, you should, because this is where the TEMPest binary will go once installed.


Permanent configuration of GOPATH

Add this line to ~/.bash_profile:


Save and exit the text editor and source the .bash_profile:

source ~/.bash_profile

Then add GOBIN to your PATH

You can also skip this step and then just add a symlink from $GOBIN/tempest to /usr/bin/tempest after the installation of TEMPest (create a shortcut under Windows to System32)

Temporary configuration of GOBIN

Simply run:

export GOBIN=/usr/bin/


Coming soon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Install TEMPest

So easy:

go get -v -u -t

Great now we just need to generate the files TEMPest needs to work. This will be its initialization.


Command line

TEMPest should be installed by now, and running tempest -v should work!

To initialize, run the following command:

tempest init

This will generate a ~/.tempestcf file. It will hold the list of all the targets.

If there is an issue and the file can’t be created somehow, you can still create it at its default location: $HOME/.tempestcf and leave it empty for now.

This will also generate a ~/.tempest.yaml file. It will hold the configuration of TEMPest.

If there is an issue and the file can’t be created somehow, you can still crate it at its default location: $HOME/.tempest.yaml with default content:

duration: 5
auto-mode: false

duration: You have to choose a duration greater than 1, it is for your own safety!!


Variable name Description
duration The maximum age of the files to be deleted (editing an element will actualize the age of the target)
auto-mode Whether TEMPest should run automatically (not implemented yet)

What’s next?

Once this is done, your TEMPest is ready to rock!

:point_right: You can see basic usage at the Usage section.